Prezentul auxiliar a fost avizat de Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale prin Ordinul nr. 3530 din 04.04.2018 şi se regăseşte la poziţia nr.241 din anexa Ordinului
This material is in accordance with thè 2017 Romanian Curriculum fort he subject Modem Language 1 - intensive study. Grades 5-8, approved by ministerial decree No. 3393/2017 [Programa şcolară pentru disciplina Limba modernă 1 - studiu intensiv. Clasele a V-a - a Vlll-a, aprobată prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 3393/2017]
Cambridge is known for creating ultimate learning and research solutions and for innovating in thè field of materials for learning English.
English and Romanian teachers hâve used Makeit!2 Student's Bookto create a book that follows thè Romanian Curriculum step by step and:
• creates an inclusive learning environment through learning strategies, games and dynamic activities to ensure all students achieve success;
• inspires passion and sparks the imagination through culture, film, documentarles and authentic videos of thè English-speaking world;
• enables students to achieve success in language exams and external certifications with officiai, authentic preparation materials from Cambridge.
The content marked in purple (titles and execise numbers) is for use with students of an advanced study level.