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      Handel - Theodora
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      Le Monde spoke of William Christie’s conducting in glowing terms; it achieved “great mystic depth” through “phrasing that was both firm and subtle, pure but warm in tone, empathetically following each inflection of anger, pain or ecstasy. The sonic fabric was rich and dense, the attack precise.” Didymus was sung by Philippe Jaroussky. Le Monde described his performance of the aria ‘Kind Heaven, if virtue be thy care’ as “a model of ardent luminosity and commitment”. In the title role, the young British soprano Katherine Watson – an alumna of Christie’s programme for young singers, Le Jardin des Voix – was “moving, singing with a noble line, especially in the slow arias.”

      Listă piese:

      CD 1:

      1. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Ouvertüre (1. Akt)
      2. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - 'Tis Dioclesian's natal day
      3. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Go, my faithful soldier, go
      4. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - And draw a blessing down
      5. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Vouchsafe, dread sir
      6. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Racks, gibbets, sword and fire
      7. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - For ever thus stands fix'd the doom
      8. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Most cruel edict
      9. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - The raptur'd soul
      10. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - I know the virtues
      11. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Descend, kind pity
      12. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Though hard, my friends
      13. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu!
      14. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - O bright example of all goodness!
      15. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Bane of virtue
      16. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Come, mighty Father
      17. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Fly, fly, my brethren
      18. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - As with rosy steps the morn
      19. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - All pow'r in Heav'n above
      20. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Mistaken wretches!
      21. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Dread the fruit of Christian folly
      22. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Deluded mortal!
      23. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Oh, worse than dead indeed!
      24. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Angels, ever bright and fair
      25. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Unhappy, happy crew!
      26. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Kind Heav'n
      27. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - O love, how great the pow'r!
      28. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Go, gen'rous, pious youth
      CD 2:
      1. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Ye men of Antioch (2. Akt)
      2. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Queen of summer, queen of love
      3. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Wide spread his name
      4. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Return, Septimus, to the stubborn maid
      5. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Venus laughing from the skies
      6. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Symphony
      7. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - O thou bright sun!
      8. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - With darkness deep
      9. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Symphony
      10. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - But why art thou disquieted, my soul?
      11. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Oh, that I on wings could rise
      12. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Long have I known the friendly social soul
      13. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Though the honours
      14. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - O save her then
      15. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Deeds of kindness to idsplay
      16. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - The clouds begin to veil
      17. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Defend her, Heav'n!
      18. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Or lull'd with grief
      19. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Sweet rose and lily
      20. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Oh, save me, Heav'n!
      21. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - The pilgrim's home
      22. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Forbid it, Heav'n!
      23. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - To thee, thou glorious son of worth
      24. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - 'Tis night, but night's sweet blessing
      25. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - He saw the lovely youth
      26. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Lord, to thee each night and day (3. Akt)
      27. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - But see the good, the virtous Didymus!
      28. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - When sunk in anguish and despair
      29. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Blest be the hand
      30. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Undaunted in the court stands Didymus
      31. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Whither, Princess, do you fly?
      32. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - She's gone
      33. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - New scenes of joy
      34. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Is it a Christian virtue, then?
      35. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - From virtue springs each gen'rous deed
      36. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r
      37. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - 'Tis kind, my friends
      38. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - How strange their ends
      39. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - O me your frowns
      40. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Ye ministers of justice
      41. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - And must such beaty suffer!
      42. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Streams of pleasure ever flowing
      43. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - Ere this, their doom is past
      44. PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY - O love divine
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