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      World I See - Vinyl

      World I See - Vinyl

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      Laura Bretan, finalista a emisiunii America's Got Talent si castigatoare a emisiunii Romanii au talent, lanseaza albumul World I See, un album care include piesele consacrate ale artistei (Dear Father, piesa cu care a participat la Eurovision), dar si compozitii noi, unele dintre ele fiind creatia Laurei Bretan. Albumul World I See este coordonat de producatorul israelian Giora Linenberg si realizat cu artisti din Statele Unite, Canada, Belgia, Italia, Norvegia si Israel.

      Dragii mei fani, prieteni si familie, vreau sa va prezint ceva la care lucrez de ceva timp. [...] Nu numai ca este primul meu album lansat, ci este cu siguranta unul care imi va ramane aproape de inima, indiferent unde ma va duce aceasta calatorie muzicala! La acest album am colaborat cu multi artisti din intreaga lume si sunt recunoscatoare pentru toate lucrurile pe care le-am invatat pe parcurs. Vreau sa multumesc echipei mele, managerului meu Paul Nanca, Universal Music Group, mamei si tatalui meu pentru ca au crezut in mine si pentru ca muncesc atat de mult pentru a ma ajuta sa devin persoana / muzicianul care sunt astazi. [...] In acest album, impartasesc nu numai o noua latura a vocii / muzicii mele, ci si putin din ceea ce imi spune inima sa le impartasesc tuturor. - Laura Bretan

      My dear fans, friends, and family, I want to present to you something that I have been working on for a bit of time now. [...] Not only is this my first album release, it is definitely one that will remain close to my heart, no matter where this musical journey will take me! On this album, I have collaborated with many artists from around the globe, and am so grateful for all the things I’ve learned along the way. I want to thank my team, my manager Paul Nanca, Universal Music Group, and my Mom and Tati for believing in me, and for working so hard to help me become the person/musician I am today. [...] In this album, I share not only a new side of my voice/music, but a little bit of what my heart is telling me to share with all of you. - Laura Bretan

      Laura Bretan s-a nascut in Chicago la data de 7 aprilie 2002. Incurajata de mama ei, Laura a inceput sa cante in biserica cand avea 4 ani si a inceput sa participe si sa castige numeroase concursuri de canto. In acelasi timp, a inceput sa studieze pianul. Castigatoare a emisiunii Romanii au talent in iunie 2016, si-a dedicat spectacolele iubitului bunic pe care l-a pierdut in ianuarie acel an. In acelasi an, dintr-un grup de peste 100.000 de candidati, Laura s-a calificat ca finalista pentru America's Got Talent. In timpul spectacolului de auditie televizat al Laurei, ea a castigat ravnitul Golden Buzzer de la Mel B - fosta Spice Girl, care a trimis-o direct la spectacolele live din America's Got Talent. De atunci, Laura a devenit o senzatie media. NBC, CBS, Windy City Live, WGN si WCIU se numara printre posturile TV care au invitat-o si au intervievat-o pe Laura. A fost prezentata in articolele Today's Show, revista People, E!, CNN, Country Living, NBC online, Chicago Tribune si multe altele.

      Laura Bretan was born in Chicago on April, 7th, 2002. Encouraged by her mother, Laura started singing in church when she was 4 years old and started to participate in - and win - many singing competitions. At the same time, she started to study the piano. Winner of Romania’s Got Talent in June of 2016, she dedicated her performances to the beloved grandfather she lost in January of that year. The same year, from a pool of more than 100,000 applicants, Laura qualified as a finalist for America’s Got Talent. During Laura’s televised audition performance, she earned the coveted Golden Buzzer from the former Spice Girl Mel B, which sent her straight to the America’s Got Talent live shows. Since that time, Laura has become a media sensation. NBC, CBS, Windy City Live, WGN, and WCIU are among the TV stations that invited and interviewed Laura. She was featured in Today’s Show articles, People magazine, E!, CNN, Country Living, NBC online, the Chicago Tribune, and many other media.

      Listă piese:

      1. World I See

      2. Believe (with the Tenors)

      3. Arrows

      4. Breathe

      5. Wide Awake

      6. Dear Father

      7. La Luce

      8. Adagio

      9. Miracoli (feat. Alberto Urso)

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